Tactical On-Page SEO Lesson

Learn to optimize every element of your webpage for best organic search results in google and other search engines.

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Find the Best Keyword Phrase

Keyword Analysis: Find the best keyword phrase for your project. Use this FREE SERP tool to see how your keyword phrase ranks, and what other keyword suggestions you might want to consider: https://serps.com/tools/keyword-research/

Choose competative keywords based on high volume and low CPC for best results. In this example it would be difficult to rank on page one of google for vintage dresses ‘organically’, but you could use google adwords paid search to have your website show up as a paid ad in the search results.

Use Google or other search engines to understand who you are competing against: Search using google with the keyword phrases that you selected to see what sites come up. Who are the top 3 competitors that show up organically?

tactical on-page seo lesson

What is an "organic" search result?

Organic search results are listings on search engine results pages that appear because of their relevance to the search terms, as opposed to their being advertisements. In contrast, non-organic search results may include pay per click advertising.

What is Google SERP?

A SERP feature is any result on a Google Search Engine Results Page (SERP) that is not a traditional organic result. SERP Features include:

  • Rich Snippets which add a visual layer to an existing result (e.g., review stars for product ratings)
  • Paid Results that are bought by bidding on keywords (e.g., AdWords or Google Shopping)
  • Universal Results that appear in addition to organic results (e.g., image results, new results, featured snippets)
  • Knowledge Graph data which appears as panels or boxes (e.g., weather, Celebrity Knowledge Panel)

What is Google SERP?




How Do You Implement Tactical On-Page Seo?

Optimize your source code! There are several key locations within each page where your optimizations can occur.

page title tag

<h1> tag

meta description and keyword tags

image 'alt' and 'title' tags

text on the page

image filenames found on the page

hyperlinks found within text and image content on the page